I haven’t come near here in over a week, and now that I have asked some people to read my blog i feel some pressure to write. I have my biggest exam out of the way with two more to go still in the next few days… so i can’t be thinking deep and publishing my bold opinions in great detail for a little while.
What I will say is, as a follow up to my ‘Salome’ post, I am so proud. I’m proud to have studied amongst some very talented people, I am proud to have been taught by Pather and Hyland. The calibre of performance, costume, set design of my favourite play was beyond stupendous. The interpretation of the text was remarkable, kudos to Hannes Otto who played King Herod, cleverly interpreted not as the butch chauvinist one would assume him to be when reading the text. Instead, the King had deliciously steretypically gay qualities, donning gold leggings and flicking his wrists when speaking. Young men playing women, women playing men made a remarkable commentary on social juxtappositions. And fair Campbell did well as Salome, there were times I looked at him and truly saw a woman, even though they did not try and make his body look like a woman’s. In simple terms : I loved it. I felt inspired.
Another thing sure to inspire me for sometime, Sex and the City II opens today! I cannot focus on these futile African Cinema study notes as my mind is thinking ahead to 17h30 this evening where I will go and watch the film with one of my best girlfriends. My excitement extends further when thinking of the way SATC’s genius stylist, Patricia Field, will have outdone herself yet again. Sure, I care about what happens to Carrie, Samantha, Miranda and Charlotte, what will happen to the fifth character: the fashion?
Aaaaahhhh…. excitement dominates my mind!