Happy Wednesday, babes! Okay, so my last two posts were collaborations so I couldn’t speak too much about what’s been going on with me and why I’ve personally been so quiet. Like I briefly said in my last post, I was really sick. Really, really sick. I went to a meeting last week and could barely stand, I felt SO weak and tired, then really nauseous. I don’t even know how I walked to my car and got home from town, I was even too weak to talk! After I got home I kept getting sick, couldn’t keep any food down and after about 8 hours of feeling the worst I’ve probably ever felt, Malick rushed me to the ER because I could barely lift my head. They put me on two drips, and I felt SO much better… until the next day when I felt worse. And the day after that and the day after that. Five or six days in total. Yesterday was the first time where I felt normal and could be up and about for more than half an hour!
Apparently it was a stomach bug or virus. I’ve had plenty of those growing up, but never for more than two days, but this time was especially crazy and long, and I panicked a bit since I followed all the doctors orders with so little improvement.
However, since I’m the 2017 Mayor of Positive Town, I’m looking at the bright side of things:
-I got to eat a lot of bread. I never get to do this because it makes me feel sick, but in this case it was all I could keep down. SCORE!
-I started watching Jane the Virgin. It’s so funny and filling the hole in my heart that was left by Ugly Betty.
-I got to rest. Lots and lots of rest and so many naps I don’t even recognise myself.
-I received a lesson in gratitude for my health and my youth, and how I shouldn’t take that for granted.
I’ve banked SO much content for you guys, with more Cover, Girl vids and a hair tutorial coming soon too, but obviously things had to take a bit of a back seat this past week. I’m in catch-up mode for now, but feeling motivated. Thank you to all of you who have sent me get-well-soon messages, you’re always the sweetest!
Brett Robson bodysuit (shop here), Prada shades, adidas Originals shorts, tights and sneakers, vintage backpack.
Shot by Malick.
Layout by me.