Every day is a good day

Hello friends :)
Ta-daaah! I finally bought my domain :) so now I feel like “sh** just got real”. I’ve been busy this past week and a bit, I had to prep for the  YMEWK market, Lone Folk’s stock had to be awesome so I could make the good cashish, as it was the last market til Spring in SA (that’s only in September down here).
Then I also did two catalogue shoots for a company called Mishah, they seemed to like some of the stuff I did for Lone Folk. I sometimes forget why I started it, a photography and styling platform, I don’t know why I am still in shock when these opportunities hunt me down.
So I found these old pics Gabbi took of me in December already. I seriously forgot about them. And this dress. I found it in a dingy little shop owned by a lady called Wilmah (we’re tight now, obviously). It fit me like a glove, I am in love with the print and I am seriously so sad I sold it. The colours and tribal vibe reminds me of our country’s flag… sigh. At least I have these memories.
Safe weekend folks :)

 Dress: thrifted
Photography: Gabbi Kannemeyer 