Gondola Views

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I had been applying to go to Venice for nearly a year, and it seems tenth time’s the charm as I finally got to see and experience this gem of a city. These pictures were all shot from my  very stationary viewpoint as a passenger on a gondola meandering through the aquatic “streets” of Venice. Core clenched throughout, we were instructed not to move around as we would interfere with the balance of this infamous boat.

The first time I went to Italy I was convinced it was heaven; regal architecture and views enveloping you, perfect weather regardless of the season, food that tastes like love, a mecca of genuine leather, beautiful and classy people, and a romantic energy that somehow managed to manifest in every part of it, seeping into the hearts of all of its occupants. After seeing Rome and Milan, I couldn’t sleep the night before heading to Venice as I dreamed of being “dik ingesmeer” (as my friend, Colin, would say) in the hub of this famously enigmatic city.

And how could one possibly go to Venice and not ride a gondola? After much haggling, Mili and I managed to get Fabio (yes, that really was his name) to agree to a forty minute sail through the city for the “low and final” price of 35 Euros each.

I got a little snap happy, taking pictures of everything and anything during our ride, trying hard to ignore the overbearing romance that made me miss Malick, especially because I was in his favourite city.

The verdict? Venezia is an absolute must-see. But when is anything to do with Italy ever not?


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