I feel like the next time I relax will be after I get married. The workload is piling up at the office, I’m currently doing a make-up course, I’m off to London next week and upon my return the online to-do list will be heavier and wedding plans will need my attention immediately. Not to mention meeting with my personal trainer twice a week!
I mean, it’s my own fault. I want a piece of every cake there is, and to eat it. And as soon as I see a possible gap in my schedule, I fill it with more things I could do. I’m not sure if it’s a bad habit, a good habit, or a habit of procrastination. Either way, the feeling of accomplishment and looking back at how far you’ve come makes it worthwhile, and addictive. I’m feeling like I need a clone, or five, but at the same time it’s a really exciting period in my life and I’m trying not to get too caught up in making perfection happen so that I don’t lose the moment.
As the year begins to draw to a crucial close, let’s try to remember to “stop and smell the roses”. Most of us here are young and ambitious. But while it’s a wonderful feeling to achieve our dreams, it’s equally important to live them.
Peak cap from a leather store, vintage poloneck dress and blazer, American Apparel riding pants, adidas sneakers, Parfois necklace.
Photographs by Shezan Photography
Make Up by Qaanita Abrahams