I expected to see a lot more stylish women, but it was more the men who impressed me with their polished looks and demure energy. I appreciated their perfectly tailored coats, polished leather shoes and the way their hair looked amazing whether it was curly, long, or cut. I liked that they were well-kept whether they were twenty eight or sixty eight. I’m noticing many European women having a “hard” energy about their fashion and I have most definitely been noticing it while travelling, and it can be off-putting… in a fabulous, unobtainable, walking-brand kind of way. Extending the inaccessible, you-can’t-touch-me dream of owning the Prada, the Balenciaga, the Cèline. I tried not to have this post only include them. However, the men somehow maintain the standard, but it seems more relaxed and effortless. Maybe it’s easier? Maybe it’s the charm of an Italian man? Either way I appreciated it a lot more.
I struggled to get decent shots of the best people I saw. Just when you think you have a clear aim, someone walks into your frame, your moment is lost and your subject dips into a café or a swarm of people. “Maybe next time,” I lie to myself, with a lump in my throat knowing I am leaving Milan at 11pm that night and unsure if/when there will be a next time. It was really frustrating. A moving target is harder to hit, but aside from the fact that I am too awkward to ask people to take their photograph, I prefer a documentary approach. I’m not sure if it comes with practice, proximity, place or lens or luck?