2015 – An Overview & Photo Diary


I’m hardly a New Years kind of person but I can’t help but look back at 2015 and smile at how far I’ve come personally and professionally, all at my own pace. There were so many highlights, so many lessons (some which were hard), but I’m beyond thankful and truly feeling like I’m well on my way to becoming the woman I always wanted to be.

Some of my 2015 highlights were:

My blog workshops. Hosting one in Cape Town and Johannesburg. Both were amazing and truly humbling.

Quitting my day job. In 2015 my blog quickly and unexpectedly became my primary source of income. I still can’t believe it, but I was able to resign sooner than I had planned and comfortably be my own boss at 25 years old :)

Celebrating a year of marriage. It’s hardly a piece of cake, but I love being the wife to a man who is incredibly good to me and supportive. Also, our cat-child is the best.

Travelling to Thailand and Portugal. Most of you know travelling is everything for me. I was so lucky to be able to see Thailand with my husband and Lisbon with one of my best friends. Also managed to squeeze 7 hours in Paris into the mix and finally saw the Eiffel Tower!

Joining the A Fashion Friend Team as their Contributing Beauty Editor. I finally have a space to share more general (less personal) beauty tips and articles, while working with the coolest, funniest team. I get to choose my work, and come and go from the office as I please. It’s the kind of unconventional environment that pushes and inspires me. So great!

Growing my brand. I worked on some really fun projects this year and there were so many times when I was just winging it but I learnt so much this year from a business perspective. I look forward to extending my fashion footprint with my line of leather bags. I’m also happy to share with you guys that earlier this year I began the pattern-making process for a collection of ladies wear, I just was so swamped with work I had to put it on hold for a bit. I’m now looking forward to diving into it in the new year!

My lessons learned:

– I learned to value myself and my work enough to charge people for my services according to my standard, whether I’m blogging, writing or doing someone’s make-up, I’ll still go the extra mile but without sacrificing myself.

– Be humble. Be kind. Being bitchy gets you nowhere.

– It’s pointless competing or comparing.

– People will always be selfish and try and try to take advantage, and it’s your own responsibility to stand up for yourself.

– It’s pointless to feel anything except mad love and respect for yourself. 

– One way or another, your real friends will show you who you are, and the cowards in your life will expose themselves.

– You don’t always have to fill awkward silences with pointless conversation.

– I gained a better understanding of my body and exercise. I sadly discovered gluten makes me look pregnant overnight.

– Eyelash primers are everything.

 On that note, thank you for a wonderful 2015. I know I’m terrible at responding to comments and emails, but I can’t explain to you enough just how much it means to me. You have all contributed to making this one of the best years of my life. Wishing you a successful 2016 and a safe and happy holiday!


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By sharing her personal style, fashion and beauty advice, written reflections and more, Fashion Breed is a place for women to learn, relate and connect.

Find me on: Instagram
